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We're looking. No CVs Please. . .

As ever with The Spectator, no CVs please. We’re seeking someone exceptional, and are mindful that they can come in all shapes and sizes from all backgrounds.

That's the refrain at the UK publication The Spectator where they reject the resume in favor of an aptitude challenge that dovetails with the role in question. In the case of this research associate they want you to:

  • Find a factual error in an opinion article of your choice

  • Find out when Sir Edward Lister turns 70

  • Our Evening Blend email has a slot for ‘Some vital statistics’. Send us a figure that you would have included on a recent email – and tell us when and why.

  • Suggest how we could use Google Sheets to automate monitoring of social media posts that drive traffic to our website.

  • How many times more likely are England’s poorest to die from avoidable causes than England’s richest? And how has this changed since 2001? You could answer with a graph.

That is a good thing. As data infiltrates virtually every aspect of business one wonders why the business of defining the data of what makes a good employee seems neglected.

The challenges are twofold -

1. Identifying what makes for a good candidate for the role which isn't attached to a random credential or years of experience in a field.

2. Creating a testing method for potential candidates - particularly in "soft" roles - that can be difficult to do.

But there are ways to do that - Blind aptitude tests for developers (whereby everyone, a Stamford CS PHD or self taught high school dropout can test their mettle), grit challenges for potential salespeople or creativity tests for creative roles.

The more focused a company is a capability the more productive the company will be, the more likely they will get talent at a discount and the more opportunities will exist for talented individuals to move into high production roles that they would have been shut out of using traditional screening methods.

If your in the UK and can figure out when Sir Edward Lister turns 70 feel free to apply here

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